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Behind the grey screen of time (from ancient times to 1945) - historical section of the museum

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It contains of archaeological monuments from the excavations in the city of Novogrudok: stone axes, chisels, potter’s and armourer’s goods, also documents, books, banknotes of different times. There are many real monuments of the Great Patriotic War in Belarus: finds from the Brest Fortress, photographs of participants in the partisan movement, weapons which were found at partisan sites.

The theme of the war will always be relevant and difficult for every resident of  Belarus. Because there is not a single family in which there was no suffering or tears on June 22, 1941.

The text of the excursion of the section​

in French language

in German language

The exhibits

Exposition 1.1


From the far past


The objects of labor of the late Stone Age: stone axes, arrow-heads, sinkers for seine. In general, our Novogrudok region is rich in archaeological monuments, which date back to the middle and second half of the millennium AD.

The historical section 

Exposition 1.2


У ярме прыгонніцтва

У аддзеле прадстаўлены матэрыалы археалагічных раскопак: цвікоў, нажніц, рэшткі бранзалетаў, абразцы старажытнай керамікі. Усё гэта гавораць аб тым, што нашы продкі былі таленавітымі людзьмі.

Жыццё сялян ў XI-XVIII вв.

Exposition 1.3


Айчынная вайна 1812г. Адмена прыгоннага права

Exposition 1.4


Наш край 1919-1939гг.

Exposition 1.5


Уз'яднанне з Савецкай Беларуссю

Exposition 1.6


Ідзе вайна народная

Exposition 1.7


Яны змагаліся за Радзіму

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