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My first path ... (school history)

This hall tells the story of our school. The first school in the village of Valevka was opened in 1869. It was a three-year public school, which involved 34 boys and 1 girl. The first teacher was Okalova Yulia Yulyanovna, God's law was taught by the priest Strokovsky.
At the beginning of the XX century folk school in Valevka was transformed into a 3-grade district  school. The school was attended by 130 students from Valevka and from the surrounding villages.  
In 1922, as a result of the fact that Valevka was a part of Poland, a Polish school was opened here, which worked until 1939.
There are books of different years and a slate on which they wrote in chalk, a bag with which they went to school. Documents about graduation looked very nice.
Since 1951, the school has been working as a secondary school. The section presents the buildings of the school in different years, the photos of school directors: from 1944 to 1949 - the headmaster of the school worked Lebedeva S.N., from 1949 to 1951 - Shcherbakov P.M., from 1952 to 1959 - Skorobogatko V.N. From 1959 to 1981- Bondar V.P.
From 1981 to 2014- the headmaster of the school had been Sanko N.K. is an excellent student, the educator of the Republic of Belarus. From 2014 to 2016 - I.M. Skoblya, from 2016-2019- O.Y. Hitro. Now the headmaster of the school is T.R. Aganovskaya.
The Young Pioneer Organisation was founded in 1940. In the same year a Komsomol organization was established.

In 1955, the school's local history museum was founded, which in 1968 was awarded the title "People's".

The school staff received a high appraisal of their work in the book by P.M. Masherov, an outstanding figure of the Republic of Belarus.

We are proud of three honored teachers of schools of the Republic of Belarus worked in our school: Petrikevich MF, Uskov V.P., Urbanovich V.A., who are the organizers of the school museum and Javost G.A. - primary school teacher.

The whole celebration for pupils and teachers of the school was a centenary, our district newspaper "New Life" devoted a whole issue to this event.

We're proud of the students who graduated with a gold medal. The collective of educational institution has been repeatedly awarded by certificates and diplomas for fruitful work in various directions of the pedagogical activity.

We collected the photos of all graduates of the school, starting since 1953.

Today the State Educational Institution "Valevka Educational and Pedagogical Complex Kindergarten-High School " has 105 pupils.

The text of the excursion of the section​

in German language


The exhibits

Exposition 2.1


The school

of the 20th

The section presents textbooks, notebooks and other school things of the beginning of XX century.

The section school history represents

Exposition 2.2


The school

of the 40th, 50th

Exposition 2.3


The veterans of labour

Exposition 2.4


The graduating students

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